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According to National Commission on agriculture “Agricultural Marketing is a process which starts with a decision to produce a saleable farm commodity and it involves all aspects of market structure of system both functional and institutional, based on technical and economic considerations and include pre-harvest and post-harvest operations, assembling, grading, storage, transportation and distribution”
Agricultural Marketing can simply be defined as buying and selling of agricultural produce. It includes the following activities :
Earlier the farmers in India practiced agriculture on a subsistence basis and marketing of agricultural produce was limited to direct cash sales and barter transactions. But, now farmers in India are growing more of cash crops and not only traditional food grains. Agricultural marketing in modern days involve three important functions of Assembling (concentration), Processing (preparation for consumption) and Distribution.
Agricultural activities include – Horticulture, Sericulture, Dairy Products, Livestock, Fishing, Hunting, Pisciculture, Rearing of Pigs etc.
→ Rotation of economic resources – Agricultural Marketing generates 52 % of employment in India.
→ Development of backward areas
→ Increase in productivity of economy
→ Help farmers sell their produce at a favourable time, place and price
→ To widen the product range.
→ To help in planning for successful operations leading to better quality of produce and customer Satisfaction.
→ To bring in good marketing practices which helps to cope up with environmental changes.
Agricultural marketing aims to provide best advantages and facilities to farmers. Farmers in India have also realized the importance of adopting new production and marketing techniques. Bust still there is a scope for improvement and it is necessary to focus on the following –
→ Heavy village sales and consumption of agricultural produce due to the following reasons –
→ Lack of reliable and up to date market information.
→ Absence of proper standardization and grading.
→ Inadequate transport and communication facilities.
→ Inadequate storage facilities.
The post Agricultural Marketing – Activities,Objectives,Scope,Changes and Problems appeared first on BBA|mantra.