Project/Slides/Presentation Transcript
Subject: Business Environment
Topic: Social Media & Web 2.0 in Business Environment
SLIDE 1 – Social Media & Web 2.0 in Business Environment
SLIDE 2 – Web 2.0
Web 2.0 describes World Wide Web sites that emphasize on user-generated content, usability, and inter-operability.
SLIDE 3 – Web 2.0 can be described in three parts
- Rich Internet application (RIA) — It defines the experience brought from desktop to browser whether it is from a graphical point of view or usability point of view.
- Web-oriented architecture (WOA) — It defines how Web 2.0 applications expose their functionality so that other applications can leverage and integrate the functionality providing a set of much richer applications.
- Social Web — It defines how Web 2.0 tends to interact much more with the end user and make the end-user an integral part.
SLIDE 4 – Key Features of WEB 2.0
- Folksonomy – Free classification of information; allows users to collectively classify and find information (e.g. tagging)
- Rich User Experience – Dynamic content; responsive to user input
- User Participation – Information flows two ways between site owner and site user by means of evaluation, review, and commenting. Site users add content for others to see
- Software as a service – Web 2.0 sites developed APIs to allow automated usage, such as by an app
- Mass Participation – Universal web access leads to differentiation of concerns from the traditional internet user base
Social media is the collection of online communications channels which are dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration.
It is a popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues.
It is a free micro blogging service that allows registered members to broadcast short posts called tweets.
It is a social networking site designed specifically for the business community. The goal of the site is to allow registered members to establish and document networks of people they know and trust professionally.
SLIDE 7 – Advantages of Social networks
- Facilitates open communication, leading to enhanced information discovery and delivery.
- Allows employees to discuss ideas, post news, ask questions and share links.
- Provides an opportunity to widen business contacts.
- Targets a wide audience, making it a useful and effective recruitment tool.
- Improves business reputation and client base with minimal use of advertising
- Expands market research, implements marketing campaigns, delivers communications and directs interested people to specific web sites.
SLIDE 8 – Disadvantages of Social network
- Opens up the possibility for hackers to commit fraud and launch spam and virus attacks.
- Increases the risk of people falling prey to online scams that seem genuine, resulting in data or identity theft.
- Potentially results in negative comments from employees about the company or potential legal consequences if employees use these sites to view objectionable, illicit or offensive material.
- Potentially results in lost productivity, especially if employees are busy updating profiles, etc.
SLIDE 9 – Enterprise social networking
Enterprise social networking focuses on the use of online social networks or social relations among people who share business interests and/or activities. It allows a company to connect individuals who share similar business interests or activities
SLIDE 10 – History of Social Media
Social networking sites started to form in the 1990s; an example of these websites is, which began in 1995.
As other websites such as GeoCities and started to form online communities, they encouraged their users to interact with each other via chat rooms and other tools
In 2003 LinkedIn was launch, LinkedIn was, and still is, a networking resource for business people who want to connect with other professionals.
SLIDE 11 – Business application
Joining a LinkedIn group is great way make connection not just with potential customer but with your professional peers, sharing tips, experience & asking question .
Creating videos regarding companies‘ product and service. This helps in advertisement of a product.
SLIDE 12 – Social Media & Web 2.0 in Business Environment
Through Google+ company use video conferencing to reach out to the customer, dealers, vendors & social media contacts at no cost.
It helps to take regular feedback from customer, helps in targeting and segmentation of customer and may be help in improving quality of product and service
- Team building
- Training
- Employee communication
- Recruiting
- Communication
- Branding
- Promoting events
- Back ground checks
- Employee actions
- Weekly HR blog
- Research
- Emergency notification
- Recognition
SLIDE 15 – Ways in which marketing firm uses social media
- Helps to see your target market
- You can respond to problems immediately
- Helps to increase more sales.
- Helps to find new customers .
- Improve market intelligence.
SLIDE 16 – Social Media & Web 2.0 in Business Environment
SLIDE 17 – Social Media & Web 2.0 in Business Environment
SLIDE 18 – Conclusion
- Social media has a powerful platform for consumer engagement. The social media space also presents a basket of customer attitudes, perceptions and customer feedback.
- Social media as a form of marketing will present a whole new phase challenges. It will require businesses to develop genuine relationships with customers.
- It could be argued that social media support are forms of knowledge consumption and knowledge construction.