Is studying at college really that important? Are you going to get there the skills you need to succeed in life? There are many successful entrepreneurs that are college dropouts. So in this article, I’d like to specify the top 5 reasons to not go to college after high school.

Reason #1: You Can Start Your Own Business Sooner

Your chances of getting into college are much higher than going to community college. So why not use the resources available at high school to start a small business? Take advantage of the resources a high school offers to start your own business. You can use the mentors available on campus to help you with your business plan. Students can even get free money to start their own small businesses.

Why go to college if you can start a business for the same amount of money? It’s a lot cheaper, and it’s the same outcome. There are many other benefits, too. You will start taking business opportunities earlier without waiting for a college degree. you’ll be able to start building your network right after high school.

Reason #2: Crazy Schedule – Save Your Nerves

In college, you may have a crazy schedule. You may work long hours, or go to school right after work. But if you’re really busy in your life, you can certainly take a day or two off. If the paper load is crazy, you may pay someone to write your essay. That’s where, a reliable college helper comes in handy. They can help you with all the papers you have.

It’s really okay if you work on campus. Many employers allow you to work in the classroom. So if you have work that you have to do right after school, you can always work on campus on the days you don’t have class.

I personally know many people who actually do. One of my coworkers teaches karate on campus every Monday, so he just goes to work after class, then comes back home to sleep and practice. Have you ever had to work later hours than you wanted? What was your experience?

Reason #3: You Can Do Well Without College

If you have a major in something like business or math, this is the most common reason not to go to college after high school. Your classmates and friends are going to your college to do exactly the same things you’re going to do at your school.

Reason #4: You Need a Break

College is expensive and tiring, so why not take a break and go back to high school? The tuition is cheaper than going to a college, and you can take your time. If you have a business idea, take the time to develop it before you start your own company. Get your hands dirty.

Reason #5: No Time for College

There’s just no time in the day for college. Just take this as an excuse. The hours in college are not as long as you think. You can find free stuff online or on the internet. Why waste precious hours going to college when you can spend that time pursuing your business idea?

You probably have a lot more reasons to go to college after high school, but I hope you see the advantages of not going to college.

Reason #6: I Don’t Know What I Want to Do with My Life

Many people don’t know what they want to do with their lives. Maybe you’ve always wanted to become a dentist, an actor or a professional hockey player. However, just because you have a high school diploma doesn’t mean you’re going to be able to accomplish what you want to do. So most of the time, people that finish high school and then get straight into college, end up not doing what they really wanted to do with their lives.

Reason #7: I’m Already Self-Motivated

Do you know what is the biggest challenge for most people in their lives? They’re motivated. I’m speaking for myself, of course, I’m pretty motivated. I may not be the most talented guy in the world, but I am a motivated guy. So you may ask yourself why in the world would I want to go to college if I’m already motivated?

The reason is that you may have many good traits and skills, but if they’re not integrated into your long-term goals and your purpose in life, you’re going to find yourself more frustrated. You’re going to end up thinking “I don’t really know what I want to do with my life”.

Reason #8: College Graduates Make Twice as Much as High School Graduates? Really?

Many people assume that if you’re going to college, you’re going to make twice as much as high school graduates, and sometimes even 3 times as much. But as you know, college graduates make much less money than high school graduates. Why? Because most college graduates don’t have a clear idea of what they want to do with their lives.

So while they’re sitting in college, going to class, taking out student loans and trying to discover their passion, many college graduates have some pretty big holes in their resume.

Reason #9: I Don’t Need College

College is expensive, it’s close to impossible to pay for college without a high school diploma. But this doesn’t mean you can’t go to college. Many people get jobs right out of high school, and some can even get a job right out of high school without a college education. For example, Amazon has 85,000 employees, 95% of which are between the ages of 18-25.

The average person who works at Amazon makes about $30,000 a year. Maybe you make $30,000 and you’re not sure what you’d like to do with the rest of your life. But even if you make the minimum wage, you can live on about $5,000. So there’s nothing stopping you from going to college and earning a degree.


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