How to Brainstorm for Ideas

Ideas are something we can’t order on Flipkart. Ideas are the foundation of all the wonders happening in the world in diverse sectors. If you could travel back to the time to see the origination of one such wonder, you would find the seed being an Idea. For example, theRead More →

Part time jobs for students

Shy of asking your parents for money to buy the latest phone or dress you have been eyeing? We will tell you about some real part time jobs for students with absolutely zero investment. These are also the most trusted and highly paying part time jobs available online for students.Read More →

How to prepare for a speech

”A good speech should be like a women’s skirt; Long enough to cover the subject and short enough to create Interest” – Winston Churchill When you know you’re left with no choice but deliver your speech, the first thing that comes to mind is not the content but the fear ofRead More →